Sitemap - 2024 - Steve Terrell's Snazzy Life

Chapter 50: Have you ever had to stand up for your principles? What was the outcome?

Chapter 49: What was your first boss like?

Chapter 48: Have you ever invented your own holiday tradition?

Chapter 47: Do you believe in ghosts? Have you ever encountered one?

Chapter 46: What about being a child do you miss the most?

Chapter 45: What was an unusual compliment you once received, but really appreciated?

Chapter 44: What simple pleasures of life do you truly enjoy?

Chapter 43: Do you know what your first words were?

Chapter 42: Have you broken any habits over the years?

Chapter 41: Do you have a dream you haven't achieved yet? Will you keep trying?

Chapter 40: How did you rebel as a child?

Chapter 39: What political issues do you consider most important?

Chapter 38: If you could see into the future, what would you want to find out?

Chapter 37: What are your favorite possessions? Why?

Chapter 36: Have you ever met a celebrity?

Chapter 35: When in life have you felt most alone? What gave you strength during those times?

Chapter 34: What is your favorite Watergate memory?

Chapter 33: What foods do you dislike? Have these changed over time?

Chapter 32: What do people get wrong about you?

Chapter 31: What are your favorite plays?

Chapter 30: Did you ever take any great road trips?

Chapter 29: What are the best shows you've ever been to?

Chapter 28: What is one of the strangest things that has ever happened to you?

Chapter 27: Are you the same person you were as an adolescent, or very different?

Chapter 26: Have you ever done drugs?

Chapter 25: What's your morning ritual?

Chapter 24: What are some of your pet peeves?

Chapter 23: What traits do you share with your mother?

Chapter 22: Do you believe in magic? What is a magical experience to you?

Chapter 21: How do you want to be remembered?

Chapter 20: What is your best advice when it comes to work?

Chapter 19: Who have been your closest friends throughout the years?

Chapter 18: What is your best relationship advice?

Chapter 17: Tell me about one of the best days you can remember.

Chapter 16: What do you like most about your siblings?

Chapter 15: Do you believe that people can change? Why or why not?

Chapter 14: What were you like when you were 40?

Chapter 13: What are some of the most important elections you've voted in, and what made them important to you?

Chapter 12: What is one of the stupidest things you've ever done?

Chapter 11: Do you have any particularly vivid memories of your grandparents?

Chapter 10: Who do you consider your icons, and why?

Chapter 9: What things do you think you cannot live without?

Chapter 8: Are you more like your father or your mother? In what ways?

Chapter 7: What was something that you believed all through childhood and were surprised to find out was false?

Chapter 6: What have you changed your mind about over the years?

Chapter 5: What's the first major news story you can remember living through?

Chapter 4: What are your favorite books?

Chapter 3: What sports did you like most as a child? Why?

Chapter 2: What is one of the funniest things you've ever done?

Chapter 1: What's a small decision you made that ended up having a big impact on your life?

My snazzy life, one chapter a week